Transformation Initiatives
Implementing Domestic Sewing Programmes to boost local entrepreneurship
Thandeka has partnered with various established community-based non-profit organisations to upskill up-and-coming entrepreneurs in the fashion sector.
Together with Taking Care of Business (TCB Cape Town), Philippi Village, and other NPOs, Thandeka has implemented Domestic Sewing Programmes in the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal targeting mainly unemployed women and youth in township and rural areas.
Thandeka’s Domestic Sewing Programme is designed to provide participants with practical clothing manufacturing skills supported by an entrepreneurial knowledge base. An added feature of the programme is the provision of a clothing manufacturing starter kit (inclusive of a domestic sewing machine and basic tools) to graduates who met the programme requirements.
This effectively empowers the participants to start their own home-based business immediately upon successful completion of the programme.
Implementing total skills development solutions for cooperatives and local entrepreneurs in townships and rural areas to expand the local B-BBEE supply chain.
Thandeka partnered with various cooperatives and small businesses in rural and township areas, providing opportunities to enhance their technical skills, increase their productivity, and elevate the quality of their products to meet the requirements of local retailers and manufacturers in the CTFL value chain.
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